In India, the population of people is increasing who prefer chicken meat as a protein source. The population of India is 1.27 billion in 2014. The poultry meat production is estimated to be 2.19 million metric tonnes as per 2010-11 estimates. India’s annual per-capita consumption of chicken meat is estimated around 2.2kg. As a result more chicken meat is required to be produced. In Jaipur daily consumption of chicken meat is in range of between 3000 to 3500 kg. During processing of chicken meat, some quantity of waste is produced.
The major problem is how to dispose this bio waste from slaughter houses. In this research we discuss about disposing and production of energy in the form of biogas from waste material. The production of biogas is completed by anaerobic digestion. This will help to enhance the production of energy along with disposal problem of chicken waste (CW).
Here, we discuss about a developed prototype digester tank. The capacity of this digester is 20 liters and made of Poly Ethylene Terephthalate. We used this digester tank for fermentation of cow dung and chicken waste to generate Bio-gas. Starch powder is added in to the digester as additive to maintain ph level.
KEY WORDS: Cow Dung (CD), Chicken Meat (CM), Chicken Waste (CW), Bio-gas, Digester Tank, Anaerobic Digestion (AD), Starch Powder (SP).