International Journal of Advances in Engineering & Scientific Research

International Journal of Advances in Engineering & Scientific Research

Print ISSN : 2349 –4824

Online ISSN : 2349 –3607

Frequency : Continuous

Current Issue : Volume 1 , Issue 2


*Sunita Kumari Meena , **R.C.Chhipa

*M Tech Scholar, Civil Engg Deptt,  Centre for Air and Water Modeling Suresh Gyan Vihar University, Jaipur, Rajsthan, India,   **Civil Engg Deptt, Centre for Air and Water Modeling Suresh Gyan Vihar University, Jaipur, Rajsthan, India

DOI : Page No : 31-36

Published Online : 2014-06-30

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                  The focus of research work is to minimize the solid waste and increase the resources of energy generation. It means solid waste management is very necessary for human beings at the modern time. We are done this process in our collage and we are used the garden waste of our collage parks. In our university, we have a large area for gardening purpose. Which a huge amount of gardening waste is generated. Typically, the garden refuse stream consists of a wide range of putrescible material including leaves, grass-clippings, perennial and annual plant material, tree and shrub branches and other woody waste, etc. We can use this waste for the production of bio gas. . There was a digester tank of 20 liter for decomposition of mixture of cow dung slurry and garden waste. Sugarcane thresh was also added for increase the production of bio gas like as additives. The garden waste was grinding by the grinder machine properly. Then, this mixture is putting for the 30 days. And then, we are seeing that tube is fully filled by the gas. The result is observed that production of biogas is mainly depended on the parameters like- pH value, temperature etc. if the pH value is approximately 7 or  7.5 , then the productivity of bio gas is also increased. So, we can maintain the pH value by the use of additives and also increase the bio gas production. And, we shall use the high temperature for this process. Because, the high temperature is increased the rate of decomposition of mixture of slurry. We are measured this parameters at the time of influent and effluent of slurry like as – temperature, pH value, total solids , volatile solids and non-volatile solids etc.  The pH value of influent is 7.5 and of effluent is 5.85. And the temperature of influent is 290C and of effluent is 320C . These values are measured throughout the time of experimentation. This type of biogas comprises primarily methane and carbon dioxide. Bio gas production   requires anaerobic digestion. My research work was to create biogas which will be more cost effective, eco-friendly, cut down on landfill waste, generate a high-quality renewable fuel, and reduce carbon dioxide & methane emissions. It is a technology for green environment and zero wastage and produces the huge amount of energy sources.

Keywords: - Anaerobic digestion, Decomposition, Gardening waste, Slurry, Solid waste.

Int. J. of Adv. in Engg. & Sci. Res.