There are very few organizations, where problem of employee attrition is less or controllable. In India, the BPO sector is facing highest rate of attrition is at the junior/ entry level. There are telecom, FMCG and Financial Sector etc. In BPO highest attrition is at the junior / entry level. There are various factors that make an Entry Level BPO Executive to level one BPO and join another. While an employee leaving the individual, it is most often means a career move, economic growth and enhancement of the quality of life .So what is a problem for one in the value chain may be an opportunity for the other BPO. Attrition rate is a burning issue for BPO HR professional as they face tremendous problems like losing the talents and knowledge, cost related to training, recruitment act. A creative thinking is required about the talent management challenge in the BPO sector. An industry- specific innovative technique has to be built by being clear about the current economy trend. The talent’ management practice has to remain volatile and flexi to incorporate change as and when demanded. This research paper is an endeavor to find out the reasons of high attrition rate in BPO sector. The sample size has been taken to be BPO employees (including entry, junior and middle levels). To achieve the objective of the study a Descriptive Research was conducted using Likert Scale and a structured questionnaire was circulated to around 600 respondents. The data was collected from the respondents to know their views regarding the issues, problem and the quality of work life in BPOS. Primary sources comprise of interview and direct responses collected through questionnaire.
Keywords: Attrition, ITES-BPO, Global markets, Retention, Strategies