International Journal of Marketing & Financial Management

International Journal of Marketing & Financial Management

Print ISSN : 2349 –2546

Online ISSN : 2348 –3954

Frequency : Monthly

Current Issue : Volume 2 , Issue 9


8K.Chandhana , **Dr. David Easow

*Research Scholar, Hindustan University; Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India,    **Deputy Director – School of Management & International Affairs,  Hindustan University Tamil Nadu, India

DOI : Page No : 58-64

Published Online : 2014-10-30

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                     An organisation`s strength is its resource. Resource can be categorised into many segments among which human resource is the most valued and an essential element of an organisation. The paper is based on “increased attrition rate in Logistics sector”. This paper would enable to understand the importance and the necessary of a company to retain its human resource which has become a serious issue in the current scenario. This paper intends to find the reasons for attrition and the measures to be taken by the organisation to retain its employees. Generally it has been seen that employees who work in organisations, expect the management to realise their full potential. In spite of this, there are situations when either the employers ask their employees to leave, or employees themselves leave the organisation. The problem of attrition of employees bothers both-the employer and the employees. Logistics has become one of the important activities in the modern era. Its contribution to other sectors specifically to the manufacturing sector is huge. Hence attrition in such a sector could adversely affect the logistics company itself as well the company who have outsourced the logistics to a logistics company. Measures taken by companies to preserve its human resource have gone to a greater proportion. At the same time employees attrition is unavoidable. This is a very big challenge for all the sectors of the economy. Analysts say that attrition rates vary between 20-40% in some organisations.


Key words: Logistics, Attrition Rate, Employees, Employer

International Journal of Marketing & Financial Management