This study examine the role of healthcare infrastructure development and critical analysis of financing gap in India The concept of health care infrastructure development in India is very poor condition. However in countries like India, which adopted this concept (infrastructure financing development) although its implementation has been riddled with complex ongoing problems, there are not sufficient grounds to throw away it completely. These problems are mainly due to the slow implementation, which has left a vast rural population with little or no access to healthcare. Rural health care (means PHCs) strongly promotes equity of access hence is vital in many developing nations. And develop the healthcare infrastructure and financing in rural and urban areas. The health infrastructure Development of India is in dismal condition, it needs essential reforms to deal with new rising challenges. On the one hand the role of private players is continuously increasing in healthcare sector, but simultaneously healthcare facilities are getting costly, and becoming non-accessible for the poor. The government hospitals are facing the problem of lack of financing availability and infrastructure; there are inadequate number of beds, rooms, and medicines. In this research paper the study have discussed the present scenario of healthcare facilities and personnel. On the part of government there is lack of monitoring of the funds and resources, which are devoted towards the improvement of healthcare sector. The study has suggested a model healthcare infrastructure development plan which develops around preparing a long term strategy for qualitative as well as quantitative improvements in healthcare infrastructure and financing availability. In the end the study suggest that there is a urgent need to make the proper plan to improve the medical facilities for a vast population as of India, but the central government must take actions from all sides along with the help of other actors like state governments, NGOs, and media. Investment in healthcare sector to the tune of two to five percent of GDP is inevitable but insufficient to bring in radical changes in this connection the methodology has been adopted for this study. The following methodology was adopted literature survey, for analysis in India with use of specific questionnaire for collecting primary data.
Key Words: Infrastructure, Development, Financing, Investment and Implementation