International Journal of Advances in Engineering & Scientific Research

International Journal of Advances in Engineering & Scientific Research

Print ISSN : 2349 –4824

Online ISSN : 2349 –3607

Frequency : Continuous

Current Issue : Volume 2 , Issue 7


*Vandna Kanyal, **Satyendra Srivastav

*Associate Lecturer, Electronic & Communication, Shobhit University, Meerut.,    **Assistant Professor,  Electronic & Communication, Shobhit University, Meerut

DOI : Page No : 01-07

Published Online : 2015-07-30

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                     The four wave mixing effect on bit error rate, Q-factor, output spectrums and eye diagrams at different channel spacing is investigated. The design, implementation and performance analysis of four wave mixing in optical communication system for different values of spacing between input channels has been done. In this paper investigation of four wave mixing effect with different number of channels at various channel spacing has also been done. All the input channels are spaced evenly at various values like 5.25 GHz, 9 GHz,19GHz, 24 GHz, 39 GHz, 49 GHz,59GHz,74GHz with the different number of channels at the input i.e. with 2, 4, 6, 8, 12,14,16,18 input channels. the comparison of four wave mixing effect at various values of channel spacing .According to results, spacing of 74 GHz has the lowest BER and better system performance. Hence, the higher spacing values between the input channels is recommended for long distance transmission without four wave mixing. Analyzing the effect of four wave mixing for each channel spacing with these number of channels in terms of eye diagrams, BER, eye opening and Q-factor.

Keywords:  Four-wave mixing (FWM), Dense Wave Division Multiplexing(DWDM)

Int. J. of Adv. in Engg. & Sci. Res.