International Journal of Marketing & Financial Management

International Journal of Marketing & Financial Management

Print ISSN : 2349 –2546

Online ISSN : 2348 –3954

Frequency : Monthly

Current Issue : Volume 4 , Issue 5


Dr Keerty Goyal

Freelance Journalist &Theaterist, Hisar, Haryana.India

DOI : Page No : 48-52

Published Online : 2016-07-30

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                                           The need to connect, to share, to appreciate and be appreciated, to know, to be liked has always been a want of human nature since times immortal, though Face book molded the expression in an e-way and competition among cellular companies has made technology accessible to every individual. But even the times when technology was not so      in-handy there were other things like real friends to play with, books to read, parents who were willing to listen with an open heart and plentiful of time. Though this virtual presence, this texting style, smiley’s instead of written expression, these copy pasted googled emotions, this need to be connected 24/7 with the world without even realizing what's happening next room or next door and this self obsession is driving everybody crazy. But then it's high time now to realise the importance of equilibrium thereby not to let ourselves vault into an altogether e-world but focus on some very basic things like- to care, memories to cherish, to empathise, to respect, as nothing in the world can ever replace a warm handshake, a hug and a pleasant smile.

 Key Words: Social Change, Communication Technology,

International Journal of Marketing & Financial Management