International Journal of Marketing & Financial Management

International Journal of Marketing & Financial Management

Print ISSN : 2349 –2546

Online ISSN : 2348 –3954

Frequency : Monthly

Current Issue : Volume 3 , Issue 1

Business Opportunities for Small Business Entrepreneurs in India

*N. Madhumithaa, **Dr. M.K. Badri Narayanan

*Research Scholar – MBA Hindustan University Padur, Kelambakam, Chennai, Tamil Nadu,   **Associate Professor - MBA  Hindustan University, Kelambakam, Chennai, Tamil Nadu. 

DOI : Page No : 40-48

Published Online : 2015-01-30

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In a developing country like India, Small Scale Entrepreneurship plays a significant role in economic development of the country. These industries, by and large represent a stage in economic transition from traditional to modern technology after globalization. The variation in transitional nature of this process is reflected in the diversity of these industries. Most of the small scale industries use simple skills and machinery. Besides playing economic role in the country, small scale industries, because of their unique economic and organizational characteristics, also play social and political role in local employment creation, balanced resource utilization, income generation and in helping to promote change in a gradual and peaceful manner.

The study of entrepreneurship is essential not only to solve the problem of industrial development but also to solve the problems of unemployment, unbalanced areas development, concentration of economic power and diversion of profits from traditional avenues of investment. In this backdrop, the present study attempts to get insights to the various business opportunities for small scale entrepreneurs, the definition of small scale enterprises and also to study the small scale entrepreneurship in India.

Key Word: Small Scale Business, Opportunities, Evolution, Challenges

International Journal of Marketing & Financial Management