International Journal of Education & Applied Sciences Research

International Journal of Education & Applied Sciences Research

Print ISSN : 2349 –4808

Online ISSN : 2349 –2899

Frequency : Continuous


Amal Kumar, Dr. Arvind Kumar, Rajat Saini

S.D. College of Pharmacy and Vocational Studies Muzaffarnagar 251001 Uttar Pradesh (India)

Published Online : 2022-06-14

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The procedure of standardising herbal preparations is a key aspect of obtaining the product's quality and efficacy, and it is the rate-limiting stage in Ayurvedic formulations. The data about the concentrations employed in the formulation are provided in detail by the procedure. In this study, standardization of herbal drugs- Foeniculum vulgare was investigated. The formulary of ayurvedic drugs in India was followed in the production. For the standardisation of commercial and in-house ayurvedic medicinal products, the organoleptic qualities, physical properties, and physiological features were utilised. The drug property was evaluated and compared to the reference standards for control and quality assurance in pharmaceutical laboratories using precise and accurate metrics.

Key words-  Anti-inflammatory, physicochemical, standardization

Int. J. of Edu. & App. Sci. Research