Semi-metallic and fly ash containing organic formulation based friction composites have been fabricated and evaluated for drag braking performance on a Dynamometer friction testing machine conforming to ST-1037 Schedule. ST-1037 dynamometer test schedule is followed by a leading brake system supplier.Composites have been characterized for their physical, thermal, mechanical and tribological performance. Semi-metallic based composites (SMBC) have shown better thermal resistance than fly ash containing organic formulation based composites (FAOC). Mechanical properties such as hardness, shear strength and compressibility have been found to be similar for both the composites. FAOC composites have shown better wear resistance while acquiring comparable coefficient of friction values. Load-speed sensitivity of the composites has been further investigated to simulate the on-road conditions. Topographical variations and their possible roles in controlling the tribological performance have been characterized by worn surface morphology. Counter-face friendliness of the brake pads have been investigated by scouring test and found to be better for non-ferrous organic formulation based composites
Key words: SMBC, FAOC, Counter-Face Friendliness, ST-1037