International Journal of Education & Applied Sciences Research

International Journal of Education & Applied Sciences Research

Print ISSN : 2349 –4808

Online ISSN : 2349 –2899

Frequency : Continuous

Current Issue : Volume 1 , Issue 3


*B K Suthar, **R Lathangi, ***Dr. Shamal Pradhan

*Ph D Scholar, Pacific University, Udaipur (Rajasthan), India,    **Ph D Scholar, Pacific University, Udaipur (Rajasthan), India,    ***Asst. Prof. MSU of Baroda (Gujarat), India

DOI : Page No : 01-19

Published Online : 2014-07-30

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Purpose:. The face book usage rate is high amongst the college students and face book intends to be an engaging platform going so far as to determine their success in terms of their academic engagement. This paper aims to examine the relationship between face book usage and academic engagement in context to students of Faculty of Commerce, M S University of Baroda

Design/methodology/approach: This is correlation type of study and consists of primary and secondary data. The survey questionnaires were distributed to the students of final year commerce graduation in specialization with management, faculty of commerce M S University of Baroda. (264 out of 470) by employing sample size determinants like; confidence level, confidence interval and population. The non-probability convenience sampling process is employed for primary data collection. The questionnaire consists of factors namely; socio psychological factor, trust and privacy, socioeconomic status and academic engagement with 40 items.  All the 264 respondents are considered as valid respondents for further investigations. The collected data are analyzed by conducting scale reliability test, descriptive statistics, factor analysis and regression analysis with a view to assess the correlations between face book usage and academic engagement of the respondents.IBM SPSS 20.0 is used for data analysis as a statistical tool.

Findings: The collected data explores on significant and positive relationship between demographic profile and socio psychological factor, socioeconomic status, including academic engagement of respondents..The results of data analysis is also shows that Face book is more likely to operate as a distracting influence for the respondents.

Research Implications/Limitations: The study of this paper indicates on both the positive and negative relationship between face book usage and academic engagement of students. The face book usage by respondents may develop their social networking and can be proved such a social media as powerful tool for students` academic career development by employing appropriate face book usage dimensions. Further research can be held with more samples by extending the area of research.