International Journal of Human Resource & Industrial Research

International Journal of Human Resource & Industrial Research

Print ISSN : 2349–4816

Online ISSN : 2349–3593

Frequency : Monthly

Current Issue : Volume 4 , Issue 1


Dr Nidhi Deouskar

Associate Professor, Oriental College of Management, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, India

DOI : Page No : 32-37

Published Online : 2017-01-30

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                Self awareness is the capability to understand the emotions  and their  realization  which helps us to manage ourselves better individually as well as socially. The development of good interpersonal skills is paramount to success in our life and career. In today’s well-connected world, everyone has immediate access to products developed through complex technology. Technology has also helped to strengthen social media through which these days people interact, hence social skills have become more important in today’s world.In other words social skills are required to improve our interpersonal communication through verbal,non-verbal & symbolic formats.These social skills become more powerful with the proper use of emotions .This may be called as emotional intelligence and the measure of which may be called as emotional quotient.In other words this EQ may better be utilized to understand ,negotiate & empathize with others .In a more responsive way one can say higher the social skills,higher is the EQ & thereby higher success in corporate & personal life Goleman proposed that leaders scoring high in emotional intelligence are instrumental in organizational success.Thus social skills and emotional intelligence which is  the capacity to be aware of, control and express one’s emotions and to handle interpersonal relationships judiciously and empathetically have become all the more important.

The purpose of the study is to examine the relationship of self awareness and social skills amongst the people . Emotions play a very crucial  role in our life. Emotional intelligence refers to the ability to understand and recognize emotions in ourselves and others. If the managers attain full control over their emotional status ,they will be more accepted socially and would be able to generate cooperation among  others. Through a Judgmental method suitable respondents were selected .A questionnaire was administered to them in order to investigates the relation between social skills & self awareness. . Goleman proposed that leaders scoring  high in emotional intelligence are instrumental in  organizational success.Through this study it was found out that there is a strong positive correlation between self awareness & social skills which implies that self introspection is prerequisite for  a successful  managerial behaviour Organizations should encourage & organize training program on Social skills and self awareness &more  such activities as to enhance both intra & inter people skills for self enrichment and hence organizational development.


Design / Methodology/ Approach- The present paper is an based on primary data  wherein data was collected by administrating questionnaire to the respondents .It  is an empirical study to understand the relationship of self awareness with social skills . Pearson correlation  method were employed for analysis.

Findings :-The analysis showed that there is a strong relationship of self awareness with social skills and hence this study may enhance the social skills of people in general and managerial skills too in particular.


Limitations:-The present study was conducted on a limited sample and was generalize thereafter .

Praactical Implications :- The research may give an insight to the organizations to conduct self awareness programs for it’s managers so that they may enhance their social skills.

Originality /Value:-After review of literature it was seen  that lot of studies are done on emotional Intelligence as a whole  but a gap  was felt for individual factors defining it .So this topic was taken concentrating on two factors of EI.


Key words:-Emotional Intelligence, Emotional Quotient,  Social skills,Self awareness,Self Management