International Journal of Marketing & Financial Management

International Journal of Marketing & Financial Management

Print ISSN : 2349 –2546

Online ISSN : 2348 –3954

Frequency : Monthly

Current Issue : Volume 5 , Issue 5


*Mr. Chander Deep Pruthi, **Dr. Pramod Gupta

*(Research Scholar),  Department of Management Studies-Sunrise University Alwar, Rajsthan, India,    **(Ph.D supervisor), Department of Management Studies-Sunrise University Alwar, Rajsthan, India

DOI : Page No : 01-11

Published Online : 2017-05-30

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Shopping on the Internet is convenient as there is no time restriction, it is comfortable since it is in a user friendly environment and there is also an instant satisfaction of ordering, paying and delivering. A one-to-one basis, as well as, a two way communication with customers through the Internet is possible. Enhancing brand image, creating awareness and providing customer service are more important than just selling the products or entertaining customers. With better technologies, companies can create a stronger brand image and thus increase sales. On the other side, it is easier for customers to receive a kind of acknowledgement; feeling that they did not waste their time. Nowadays, people live a busy life and shopping online is time consuming for them. The company also saves time since whenever a customer uses his/her credit card to purchase a product’s-marketing is seen as a promotional as well as informational tool. This new era of commerce is beneficial for marketing logistics, a global presence, to establish and maintain a competitive edge, shorten components of supply chains, for cost savings and research advantage in India.

Key-Words: Online Shopping, Retail, E-Tailers, global marketing

International Journal of Marketing & Financial Management