International Journal of Human Resource & Industrial Research

International Journal of Human Resource & Industrial Research

Print ISSN : 2349–4816

Online ISSN : 2349–3593

Frequency : Monthly

Current Issue : Volume 4 , Issue 4


*Thabit H. Thabit, **Yaser A. Jasim

*Accounting Dept.Cihan University - Erbil Erbil - Iraq,   **Accounting Dept. Cihan University - Erbil Erbil - Iraq

DOI : Page No : 10-21

Published Online : 2017-04-30

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This paper describes the Knowledge representation and how it is used in artificial intelligence systems such as (Expert Systems, Hybrid intelligence systems, Neural networks, etc..) to construct a robust systems without any bugs and issues, it also depicts the knowledge representation categories (Implicit and Explicit) and types (Rules, Ontology, Frames, Semantic Networks and Logic), who is the person that deals with knowledge to analyze (Knowledge Engineer)?, how to build a knowledge base to use in systems? And what are the issues that will face the engineer?

Keywords: Artificial intelligence, Knowledge representation , Knowledge base