Adolescence is the most fascinating period in the life of an individual. Major biological and psychological developments occur during this phase of growth. It is the transitional stage of development between childhood and adulthood and it represents the period of time during which a person experiences a variety of biological changes and encounters a number of emotional issues. The word ‘adolescence ‘is derived from the Latin word ‘adolescere’, which means to “to grow to maturity”. It is the period of stress and strain. The ages which are considered to be part of adolescence vary by culture and ranges from pre teens to early twenties. It covers the period of life between ten and twenty years. In this period young people develop abstract thinking abilities, develop a clearer scene of psychological identity and increase their independence from parents. So many studies were carried out to analyse the psycho social problems among adolescents. Here the author tries to explain the various psychosocial issues of adolescence with the strong basis of various studies in India and abroad. The article highlights that a good understanding of the various concerns and issues of adolescents is required among the families. The author finally emphasized the significance of good practices and role of the multi-stakeholders for the developments of the adolescents.
Keywords: Adolescence, psycho social problems, development, multi-stakeholders, good practices