International Journal of E Government & E Business Research

International Journal of E-Government & E-Business Research

Online ISSN : 2456-8295

Frequency : Half Yearly

Current Issue : Volume 1 , Issue 1


*Irshad Ahmad, **Dr. Saboohi Nasim

*Research Scholar, Department of Business Administration, Faculty of Management Studies and Research, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh,  **Assistant Professor, Department of Business Administration, Faculty of Management Studies and Research , Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh

DOI : Page No : 01-36

Published Online : 2016-12-30

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The concept of public value is  more and more  being used to evaluate the performance of public services (Moore 1995). It is used to measure the total impact of government services to citizens in terms of the value it creates.  This concept is enormously valuable for government in improved policy decision making and building a better relationship between government and citizens. In this paper, the concept of Public value has been understood in the domain of E-Government.  After extensive review of literature, four major public value creation drivers including (a) Delivery of Qual­ity Public Services, (b) Effectiveness of Public Organizations, (c) Development of Public Trust  and (d) Achievement of Socially Desirable Outcomes are found to be the main determinants for creation of public value of E-Government in India. The questionnaire for these factors has been developed in respect of public value of e-government.

Keywords: E -Government, Public Value, Government to Citizens (G2C), Questionnaire

Int. J. of E-Gov. & E-Busi Res