International Journal of Human Resource & Industrial Research

International Journal of Human Resource & Industrial Research

Print ISSN : 2349–4816

Online ISSN : 2349–3593

Frequency : Monthly

Current Issue : Volume 3 , Issue 3

Gender β€œCAN”[(C)reative (A)daptabe (N)etwork]

Madhusmita Choudhury

Asst. Professor

Affinity Business School, Bhubaneswar, Odisha


Research Scholar,

Centurion University of Technology & Management,

Bhubaneswar,  Odisha

DOI : Page No : 01-10

Published Online : 2016-06-30

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The present study has tried to explore the relationship between three important professional skills i.e. networking skills, adaptable skills and creativity with gender. It tries to study whether these skills do have some impact on sustaining the job. The present employable generation inhibit, learn & practice employable skill to get  job & to sustain in the job and in this process, do really gender play an crucial impact on learning / practising these skills at study place / work place. Hence this study tries to find out the effect between gender and CAN skills like networking, adaptability and creativity along with a very basic question to explore; whether a professor should recommend a student to prospective employer both from the students & corporate group.

Key words:  Employment Issues in India, Networking skill, Adaptable Skill, Creativity