International Journal of Advances in Engineering & Scientific Research

International Journal of Advances in Engineering & Scientific Research

Print ISSN : 2349 –4824

Online ISSN : 2349 –3607

Frequency : Continuous

Current Issue : Volume 3 , Issue 2


*Naresh Rajput , **Er. Gaurav Mehta

*M. Tech Scholar, Dept of Mechanical Engineering, Jan Nayak Chaudhry Devi Lal College of Engineering, Sirsa, Haryana,   **Assist. Professor,  Dept. of Mechanical Engineering  Jan Nayak Chaudhry devilal College of Engineering, Sirsa Haryana

DOI : Page No : 01-17

Published Online : 2017-06-30

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The automotive chassis provides the strength necessary to support the vehicular components and the payload placed upon it. The suspension system contains the springs, the shock absorbers, and other components that allow the vehicle to pass over uneven terrain without an excessive amount of shock reaching the passengers or the cargo. The steering mechanism is an integral portion of the chassis, as it provides the operator with a means of controlling the direction of travel. The tyres grip the road surface to provide good traction that enables the vehicle to accelerate, brake, and make turns without skidding. Working in conjunction with the suspension, the tyres absorb most of the shocks caused by road irregularities. The body of the vehicle encloses the mechanical components and passenger compartment. It is made of relatively light sheet metal or composite plastics. The components which make up the chassis are held together in proper relation to each other by the frame. Through this research paper, our endeavour is to develop and design a Chassis for ATV and to conduct its Finite Element Analysis using various software required for the same in order to develop robust and efficient ATV chassis design.

Keywords : Automobile, Component, Mechanism, Steering, Vehicle, Etc. 

Int. J. of Adv. in Engg. & Sci. Res.