This study sought to explore the effect of web based instruction on achievement in Biology in relation to multiple intelligences among secondary school students (IX class students) in Amritsar district. A total number of 200 students participated in the study. Data were collected by administering achievement test and the Roger’s Indicator of multiple intelligences. Data were analyzed quantitatively using the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS). The study was experimental in nature with 2 X8 factorial design. Two way ANOVA was used to study the main effect and interactional effect. Independent test was conducted to compare means scores of experimental and control groups on the variables of achievement and multiple intelligences. The study revealed that students achieved higher when taught through web based instructional strategy as compared to their counterparts. It further showed that no significant difference was found in achievement in Biology of both groups with different multiple intelligences. In addition f-value for interactional effect (instructional strategy and multiple intelligences) came out to be significant, showing that interactional effects of both variables do partially effect achievement in Biology. Similarly, there was a statistical significant difference was found in achievement of students with linguistic, Musical, Interpersonal and Naturalist intelligences in online environment.
Keywords- achievement in Biology, multiple intelligences, traditional mode of instruction, web based instruction