International Journal of Advances in Engineering & Scientific Research

International Journal of Advances in Engineering & Scientific Research

Print ISSN : 2349 –4824

Online ISSN : 2349 –3607

Frequency : Continuous

Current Issue : Volume 2 , Issue 1


*Mahadeva B, **Dr. Vijayakumar Maragal Venkatamuni

*Head of Computer Science Department BET Polytechnic,, Bharathinagar, Maddur(Tq), mandya (Dt) ,Karnataka, INDIA -571422,     **Prof  & P.G Co-ordinator (M.Tech) Department of computer science, Member Secretary, RPRC  Dr AIT, Malathahalli, Bangalore,India

DOI : Page No : 11-16

Published Online : 2015-01-30

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This paper presents analysis of issues pertaining to the  perceptual symbol mappings within the context of developing cognitive architecture(Motivational and CRIBB). I will consider Barasalou‘s theory of a perceptual Symbol systems, and its implications to computer science field. How the brain can capture images, What extent they can be stored  and how they can be represented. I indended to investigate a simulator that produces  limitless simulations by using proprioception(e.g Object shape) and the introspection(Changing Colour, intensity)within a particular environment. CRIBB (Children reasoning about intentions, Beliefs and Behaviour) is a computational model of belief-desire reasoning. The connectionist networks describes the connection between  the names and objects that give rise to their sensory projections and their icons.


Keywords-Perception, symbol systems, Cognetive Architecture