The life of knowledge and human skills today is shorter than ever, mounting the pressure to remain up to date with ones education and training throughout a career. In the age of globalization and technological revolution, four-year degrees are just the start of a forty-year continuing education. Life-long learning is quickly becoming an imperative in today’s world. E-Learning is referred to as teaching and learning by using electronic media. The use of network technology to design, deliver, select, administer, and extend learning. This methodology supports the use of networking and communications technology in teaching and learning. E-Learning is generally meant for remote learning or distance learning, but can also be used in face-to-face mode. In this paper focused to study about the awareness of E-Learning in selected rural areas in India, the influential factors as well as restricted reasons also evaluated. This study is Descriptive nature. Convenience sampling method used and mainly depend on structured questionnaire to collect the primary data.
Key words: E-Learning, media, rural-area