International Journal of Communication, Languages & Literature

International Journal of Communication, Languages & Literature

Online ISSN : 2581-3625

Frequency : Half Yearly

Current Issue : Volume 2 , Issue 11


*Dr. L. Ganesamoorthy, **K.Krishnapriya

*Assistant Professor in Commerce,  Annamalai University, Tamilnadu.,   **Research Scholar,  Department of Commerce, Annamalai University. Tamilnadu.


DOI : Page No : 41-46

Published Online : 2014-10-30

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                    Internet is playing a vital role in communication. Internet facility makes our communication easy and economy. In internet technology broadband is the recent development. India is one of the leading users of broadband in the world. The study has made an attempt to study the growth pattern of broadband usage in the world and in India.  Internet is a milestone in communication technologies.  Broadband is the internet technology which is used by most of the people in the world.  The study found that during the 12 year period from 2001 to 2012, number of subscribers of broadband in India increased rapidly at a CAGR of 6 per cent.  More than 150 Internet Service Providers (ISPs) are providing broadband services to customers.  Among them BSNBL is playing as market leader.  It contributes 59% of total broadband connections in the country.  Eventhough huge number of people are using broadband, the penetration of Broadband usage in India seems to be very low.  Hence there is a scope for ISPs to get more customers in terms of broadband connections.

Key words: internet, broadband, ISP, CAGR.

Int. J. of Comm, Lang & Litt