International Journal of Human Resource & Industrial Research

International Journal of Human Resource & Industrial Research

Print ISSN : 2349–4816

Online ISSN : 2349–3593

Frequency : Monthly

Current Issue : Volume 4 , Issue 5


*Ms Neha Kaushal , **Dr O P Pathak

*Ass.Professor, Institute Of Engineering And Technology,MIA Alwar (Raj.),   **Head,Department of Management studies, IET College,Alwar(Raj)

DOI : Page No : 53-75

Published Online : 2017-09-30

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Lady constitutes the family, which prompts society and Nation. Social and monetary improvement of ladies is vital for general financial advancement of any general public or a nation. Enterprise is the perspective which each lady has in her however has not been promoted in India in manner by which it ought to be. Because of progress in condition, now individuals are more agreeable to acknowledge driving part of ladies in our general public, however there are a few exemptions.

Our expanding reliance on benefit division has made numerous entrepreneurial open doors particularly for ladies where they can exceed expectations their abilities with keeping up adjust in their life.

Propose of this exact investigation is expected to discover different propelling and de-spurring interior and outside elements of ladies business enterprise. It is an endeavor to measure some for non parametric components to give the feeling of positioning these variables. It will likewise propose the method for dispensing with and lessening obstacles of the ladies business enterprise improvement in Indian Context.

Key words: Enterprise, Entrepreneurship, Women, India