International Journal of Human Resource & Industrial Research

International Journal of Human Resource & Industrial Research

Print ISSN : 2349–4816

Online ISSN : 2349–3593

Frequency : Monthly

Current Issue : Volume 3 , Issue 7


*Miss. V.Anjana, **Dr. P.Paramanandam

Final year MBA Student, **Professor, GRG School of Management Studies, Coimbatore, India

DOI : Page No : 34-36

Published Online : 2016-12-30

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                The United Nilgiri Tea Estates Company Ltd. is one of the earliest and oldest plantations in the Nilgiris (known as South India's Darjeeling) with estates at Chamraj, Allada Valley, Devabetta and Korakundah. The estates are located at 8000 ft above MSL and produce some of the finest orthodox, black, green and decaffeinated teas. Sir Robert Stanes, a young lad from England landed on the shores of Madras and went onto find UNITEA in the year 1922. The total number of employees is 1078. It has been 94 years of energetic growth, experience and excellence. Ms. Mallika Srinivasan is the current Chairman and CEO of UNITEA. The popular brands of UNITEA are Chamraj Tea, and Korakundah Tea.

VISION: Consistent improvement in both quality and quantity of production of all varieties of teas. To be a world leader in the export of high grown teas.

VALUES: These values govern their everyday actions in their professional and personal lives. They are Quality–Deliver quality products adhering to the highest standards, People –Value our people, our customers and shareholders, Community–Be accountable citizens in the communities we live and work in, Integrity–Uphold high ethical standards in all our actions, Environment – To be loyal stewards of our planet, Transparency and Accountability – Transparent in our actions and firm in delivering our commitments.

ACHIEVEMENTS: Over the past 94 years UNITEA has been the forerunner in many areas. It has set trends and broken ground for others to follow. To name a few: First “South Indian Tea” to command the price of Rs.1000/- per kg, First producer of Organic tea in India (since 1994), First amongst plantations to achieve ISO 9002 certification (1997), Built certification guidelines for Fairtrade for tea plantations and is one of the first estates to be certified (1994).