International Journal of Marketing & Financial Management

International Journal of Marketing & Financial Management

Print ISSN : 2349 –2546

Online ISSN : 2348 –3954

Frequency : Monthly

Current Issue : Volume 9 , Issue 1


Dr. Deepanshu Rastogi

Asst. professor, Department of Management, Mewar group of institution, Ghaziabad, U.P. India

DOI : Page No : 01-09

Published Online : 2021-09-14

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The COVID-19 epidemic has had a significant impact on the world for about a year and a half. The global economy and other service industries have felt significant effects. It is the educational system that suffers the most during a pandemic, especially in a developing country like India that has not yet built the necessary infrastructure. Despite these obstacles, both students and educators have made preparations for online learning a priority. For exam scheduling specifically, this system leaves little room for error. Students' knowledge has been assessed in an entirely objective manner for nearly three semesters now through online examinations. We rarely test for the ability to reason and analyse. There are major flaws in the online exam system, including the potential for cheating and a lack of openness. Students are using dishonest practises. Given the current state of affairs, many bright young people have legitimate concerns about their prospects in the labour market as a result of the unfair competition they will encounter. This paper assesses how students feel about the employment market after COVID-19.


Keywords: Issues of public opinion, the labour market, fierce rivalry, distance learning, SARS Epidemic

International Journal of Marketing & Financial Management