International Journal of Communication, Languages & Literature

International Journal of Communication, Languages & Literature

Online ISSN : 2581-3625

Frequency : Half Yearly

Current Issue : Volume 1 , Issue 1


*Ms. Charan Jeet Singh , **Dr. Yogender Chouhan

*(Research Scholar)Sunrise University, Alwar, India,  **Sunrise University, Alwar, India

DOI : Page No : 46-61

Published Online : 2018-06-30

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                          Women, traditionally have been playing a crucial role in the family as well as in the farm, shop, factory and in the society, but their contribution has not been duly acknowledged. The involvement and participation in the process of development is sine-qua-non for the uplift of women to boost their status in the society. In the present age of globalization where each and every economy of the world is giving emphasis on women empowerment which is not possible by creating employment opportunities for them but to motivate them to go for creating their own enterprise. Women have undergone a radical transformation from merely a homemaker to a dynamic multifaceted personality contributing to the socio-economic growth worldwide. Therefore, a more from family management to enterprise management may be easier than a move from paid employment to self employment.

Key Words: Transparency, Participation, Empowerment

Int. J. of Comm, Lang & Litt