The current research is based on pilot study conducted focused on determining the demographic and professional profiles and competencies of professors teaching at the private engineering institutions. The researcher has developed and validated an advance practice competency model for engineering faculty. This research focuses on group interviews with the experienced Engineering faculty: Framework mapped against the practice of leading edge practitioner drawn from basically the experienced mechanical engineering faculty of few private engineering colleges of Delhi NCR.
The findings of the study will be used for decision makers in order to create a program for faculty evaluation and improvement at the Engineering Institutions. From the literature review of various world renowned accreditation agencies 74 sub competencies were identified and grouped into eight competency domains. Consensus focus group discussion validates the descriptor terms used to define the competency at ‘foundation’. Mastery over the subject, or excellence level practices practitioner mapped their practice using the framework. The majority indicated that their practice was at the mastery for the expert practice.
This study has developed an evidence-based advanced practice competency framework grounded in the multi disciplinary literature and validate by the expert opinion. This provides a map of key generic skills, knowledge and attributes required by individual practicing as a teacher in the Engineering Institutions. The competencies and descriptors developed by this research could be used as a template for the engineering faculty.As this is a pilot study, the proposed model will further be evaluated with large sample size covering the broader geographic areas.
Key Words: Competency, Competency Model, Faculty Development Programmes, NITTTR, Professional Advancement, Engineering Institutions.