Communicative language teaching (CLT) refers to both processes and goals in classroom learning. The central theoretical concept in communicative language teaching is ‘communicative competence’ a term introduced into discussions of language use and second or foreign language learning in the early 1970s. This paper looks at emergence of communicative language teaching and the phenomenon of communicative language teaching (CLT) in the current scenario. The goal of the paper is to show how CLT has been emerged, interpreted and implemented in various contexts. Also, the paper discusses ways for teachers to shape a more communicative approach to ELT in the context of their own situation keeping in mind the needs and goals of learners and the traditions of classroom teaching, which is the first step in the development of a teaching program that involves learners as active participants in the interpretation, expression, and negotiation of meaning.
Key words: Theory of Language, Communicative Approach, Paradigm Shift, Learner’s Role, Communicative Competence,